
Mike and Doug continued the conversation here: https://youtu.be/ViI_g4VkUc4

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It was a spectre of lies....boring and a weak effort at continuing an obviously fake narrative. Those still asleep are in a tranced out coma even against the backdrop of light produced by those awake.

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I just went and listened to your follow up on youtube. You three are like no others. All the Angels, all the Hierarchies, you represent. You are the voice of truth and righteousness, coalesced into something that we common folk can comprehend. I love and appreciate you three., and will share what I can with 'my people'. In gratitude, Robert

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Thank you for your kind words, Robert.

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Kind words? Truthful words. Without the righteous behavior of men and women like yourselves the Angelic kingdom would have little do with us. You inspire them as you do all of us. Blessed are we to have you in relationship. With much appreciation, Robert

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THANKYOU! ♥️🙏♥️🦁🌷...

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That shameful debate, starring DJT, co-starring FJB was the most pitiful display of childhood playground name calling I've ever witnessed. Televised and live streamed across the world, those two Jokers, the best the Pilgrim Society has to offer to be the figurehead of America, has made America and most Americans the laughing stock of the whole world.

Last night while viewing I saw evil. Douglas and Steiner both have told us that humans would begin to see the evil in people's faces, I could see Ahriman in Trumps face and a hollowed out soul in Biden.

Much Love, Thanks for the update.

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Your friend Robert/Mayflower Bookstore/well known astrologer, says it very possible will be Newsome and Biden will likely step down. Would be a close race between Biden and Trump with likely Biden winning by a narrow margin. He will do an update as he goes over the charts in more detail...........

We can only stay alert to the evil taking control and shore up our home best we can. For now, I watch the Bluebirds taking their afternoon bath..........Hugs and Health

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I spent the past week w extended family and we are all very deeply American. I’m trying to articulate something, British Pilgrim Society or not, we all grew up believing in American sovereignty and it runs deep in our souls. I realize that weak and greedy people are running the show, how much do they actually rule us if we refuse to comply. I know so many people who have checked out of “the system” to some extent or another.

I also get why they are trying to replace us. Freedom following your conscience, free from coercion. The new “Americans” think it means free stuff and total lack of boundaries or societal norms.

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Enjoyed that passionate report - thanks...

We live in 'interesting & critical times...Here in Ireland we are assessing our response to the

'covid attack' with it's gene editing, nanotech, graphene, lipid nano particle, quantum dot, +++ jab -bioweapon, non-vaccine with use of the false PCR diagnostic test scam and narrative/midazolam + morphene and murders of the old in 'care'-homes' to jump start, soften up and traumatise our Nation and people further with damage caused by lockdowns, social distancing, travel restrictions, and mask mandates.

We note that the bio weapons -'jabs' were pushed on us via Operation Warp Speed, making this a act of war on our Nation/People in effect a DOD U$ covert military attack on a non war participant - friendly to US country. We do do not appreciate that and await an apology and ventilator.

We also are faced with sad reality that our Government elected officials, Medical Establishment,

media, Civil Service, Army and Police/Garda despite plenty easily available public information about

the dangers of mRNA tech, nano tech, graphene etc. Plenty of respected scientists, Francis Boyle, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Vernon Coleman, Karen Kingston, and many many more, despite these reports and warning Governments, Medics, Media and more all were ignored all in favour of following a deadly false ventilator.

These 'public servant's' not only failed in duty of due - diligence and fiscal responsibilty the actively co-operated with the attack on our Nation and consequently became Traitors to the Nation and people, of who 96% were coerced to take 2 or more damaging and often lethal injections, clot shots, with a slew of known damaging effects, potentially as Stiener warned against harming our connection to source/God. Also turning or setting on the road the 'participants' to transhuman's, homo cyborg's, with ongoing immune and brain damage, sterility and more, human.2 and ground troops of the 'Zombie Apocalypse'...

Perhaps your miner's could take a stab at putting a $ value on this attack?

Excess deaths are running at @ 15%.

Currently the buck is with the DOD but as you say planning is likely to include UK/Crown/Privy Council/Club of Rome/WEF/UN ...

Unfortunately Ireland removed the death penalty for Traitors and many politicians remain seeking votes from the population they helped attack and the media and medics continue lying and jabbing.

We need a clean sweep of all these murderers.

Blessings from Eire.

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I've given Aim for truth and american intelligence with Michael's name before on sites. Did this AM on a Cecilia Farber substack, a person did comment " can anyone tell me who really is in charge. Gave sites and said it's The Pilgrim Society, British run the show.

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Testing the response

Of the proletariat

Will determine the next push

A theatre of destraction

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Have followed you since your beginning… loved you then and love you now! So sick of this corruption sh*t in DC! Keep up the great work! America needs you both!

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Then we are in good company!

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Have followed you since your beginning… loved you then and love you now! So sick of this corruption sh*t in DC! Keep up the great work! America needs you both!

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Clarence Thomas is a Bohemian Grove boy. I don't trust him any more than any of the others.

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SOMEBODY IS GOING 2B placed in that office. Go MAGA man!

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I watch utube code pink, when they confront the representatives. Today they confronted Harriet Hageman, she does the floor drilling in process. And they put on the screen how much money they all have taken from AIPAC. I don't know why, but today the one with Harriet saddened me to see she has taken money from aipac. The most upsetting was when code pink was in the lunch room with the lobbyists, their attitude and words to code pink was just disheartening. If one wants to see horrible empty spiritual vessels, watch them as code pink confronts them.

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Code Pink is just a bunch of angry, deranged, commie pinko's. The imbeciles deserve to be ignored, shut down and mocked, just like Israel.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

If nothing else they are exposing the amount of money our representatives are taking from aipac maybe your deranged

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That's stuff we ALREADY KNOW that they're just leveraging for their deranged communist agenda. Why would you support such lowlife filth?

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I watched the dog & pony show last night. Well most of it. I missed the first 10-15 minutes.

I thought it was mostly boring.

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