Cannot appreciate this conversation enough. I have seen their child in vision with this holy group as they traversed out of Jerusalem. To hear it confirmed is astounding. Deep gratitude for attending to these esoteric mysteries. Blessings!

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I know you know this... which confirms for others this beautiful vision has merit.

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Your message brings tears of joy to me. I am now thinking I should write the vision out so others can read it. I just had an experience of the Holy Grail Castle with Sophia as hostess and I am writing the experience out in book format...still working on getting it completed to share. You are first on my list. Bless, bless, bless.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Tyla Gabriel

This is beautiful, spiritual art. Tyla at the 13 minute , how you stated the Christed Blood, and further insights is wonderful. And Gabriel, so interesting on the Scotish, I did not what you spoke of. Thanks to both.

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THANKYOU ! 🙏❤🙏🦁🌷...

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Works of the flesh, give up everything to Jesus

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hello, I just became aware of this from listening to the video on 'bones in the basement'...

synchronicity of the pulling on the thread in the 'labyrinth' led here... so...

for what is now over three dozen years this subject has intrigued me in an active manner and the many facets and contexts of its significance to our presence here in this 'realm'. Your presentation has been a useful coagulating element for the 'pearl' on same..Initially from the questioning as to who gestated my Soul and how was my Soul birthed ??? below are some comments...

While all organs of the physical body have a quality of creativity, only the uterus, matriz, hyster, has the capacity to GESTATE.... as the very word in chinese 'Ming Men' implies, on a subtle plane, as an example...

As has been demonstrated by modern science , all cells in living , produce bio-photons, whose quality is determined by multiple factors, yet the uterus has the capacity akin to the essence of the photo-synthesis, the process of fusion of elements of different levels of existence, a process of mystery without-end.

interacting with people who speak hebrew in different contexts, it came to my attention that the word 'ahem', used sin the holy days for mercy in the sense of the divine, was also the word for uterus, and the fact that Moses made a significant if not essential change, or at least attempted to, from patriarchy to matriarchy, as after sinai, it was a new definition of who belonged to that nation, no longer the father (biological ) but the 'mother' who defined the nation.... the presence or absence of the 'membrane' at the entrance to the vagina , lost the definition of state of virginity, instead it shifted to a higher level... the purity of the 'space' of gestation in the capacity to 'forgive'... of course after forty years of purification , two generations, in the terms of that time...the tribe was now to be gestated, the physical meat-suit, as capable of forgiveness... an alchemical process of the biped speech-capable mammal.... a genuine miracle, don't you think ???

Preparing the path for the eventual in-carne-ation of the Divine... the KRST...

Un-bearble Compassion incarnate

Cheerful Love Grizzly Bear hug


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I cured my brain tumour and also cancer that came up on my skin and I didn't go to the doctors about it I just used rife scans and healing using the rife machines mostly

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http://www.extendlife.com/cancer2.php here is a link to someone that's actually looked at her work it's an old site but it's valid

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Gabriel, mycobacterium fortiutum aka mycoplasma is the cause of all cancers, proved in the 1960s by Virginia Livingston, then she was attacked mercilessly by the cancer cartel and her work was debunked although it wasn't debunked there are cures for it, I thought I'd let you know because you do speak about cancer quite a lot .

Alan cantwell has written books about Virginia and her colleagues and what went on back then, she called cancer something else but that's what it is mycobacterium.

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Mycoplasma could certainly be A cause of cancer but is not THE cause of cancer. Seems a little too reductionist. Some people have found help and remission with cancer through antiparasiticals, coffee enemas (for liver), detoxing etc.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

You should read the two books by Alan cantwell, one called the cancer germ, and the other is called four women something. What they found was for cancer to start mycoplasma had to be there and it may be that mycoplasma and the extreme poisons put out by other germs and parasites also need to be in the mix for the mycoplasma to go cancerous. Because there hasn't been any research by the establishment on this to confirm it at the moment all I can say is that mycoplasma is the cause of cancer. Get rid of the mycoplasma and cancer won't start. But mycoplasma is there and is the catalyst for the egg and the sperm to fuse, it is essential for the beginnings of life.

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Thank you

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