Spot on!

It's sad to see how many people are being deceived by all of this.

We have zero evidence Trump was actually shot. Although I'm sure more and more will come out to try to convince you of it. They have faked FAR bigger/greater things in the past. If you do your homework and look at the absolute ridiculous number of contradictions, failures, coupled with an understanding of why they would want to fake such a thing...it literally becomes harder to believe it was actually real. But alas, people don't yet see how the world and our country, truly operates. They don't realize how scripted and architected all of this is at the top and on the world's (literal) stage. They don't see the strategy and tacticts and fake events/narratives, etc., that all play into pushing a set of underlying agendas.

Now, here we are, one big step closer to (Trump) 47 !! The archetypal story gains some powerful steam today and further sets up the triumphant return of the MAGA messiah. Ahh, what a script. One of the best plot archetypes that books and movies programmed us with, growing up…

“The sacrificial hero”...something like that...

Sure there may have been a shooting...but I can assure you..that this was fake "assassination attempt". People will believe what they want however. We all see or wake up on our own timelines (or don't, I suppose). Spiritual blindness, IMO.

I hope and pray that people start to awaken and see the deceptive theater playing out all around us, while a deeper, underlying agenda is playing out.

Grab your popcorn…watch the bad B movie script play out.

IT JUST HAPPENED....JUST LIKE THE SCRIPT TOLD YOU IT WOULD! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gufx27IMf4Ec/?list=notifications&randomize=false



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US Army Interrogator veteran here.. all 3 secret service agents appear to be fighting the urge to laugh.

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YES! I saw that also! Sure sign they're trying to dupe us.

(I tried to "like" your comment but for some reason I can't like anything on substack)

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I love you both! I am an authentic living woman, separated from the matrix, (as much as is possible in this messed up world)...and sooo appreciate the truth, and YOU! I sent this to the 5 people out of the 20 friends that would be even open to hearing the truth...so sad for me to say. They, in turn will send it and talk to others. We do what we can, as we can... Keep up your rare, and critical work!

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It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use www.orsja.org. On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.

Right now! We think. There is no other way another state, commonwealth or territory can join in a Congress Assembled in original jurisdiction. You must be with your states ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government without rebuttal.

The basic tenets of a Church(s) were / are / have been / will be modified to meet the conditions of the secular state. Now, how can that be??? When a Church takes on a 501 C3 they put the jurisdiction of the state or states ahead of God and the congregation. Let me see; men and women with our progeny make up the congregation. Sovereigns in a social compact with their God. Then people become persons and go ‘pro se” into giving jurisdiction where none should be relinquished by “jura summi imperii.” Unalienable rights are impossible to lose. Please rescind any “contempt for common law.” Amendment VII and stop repeating the lie it is civil only. It is suits in common law that includes criminal also (Bouvier law 1856) “ in suits “ as defined with the proper dictionary of the proper year for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Original Jurisdiction of the one supreme Court claiming Article III, that is not SCOTUS. A jury must have 12!! Article III is found in the county nearest the event / action /crime. Article III is found in Amendment VII and as the value exceeds $20.00 there is no Judge involved and the jury verdict has no appeal in fact. That is a one supreme Court. This Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record is operated by ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. It is our social compact having implemented ex parte Milligan and nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA on Oregon aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. All of you are with us and have with full faith and credit a share in our court. Those of us on Oregon may not have something others are deprived of. By the provenance of the only know history of a sovereign man or woman with our progeny from before 1775, forward through 1776 and the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s last article, known as our Constitution 1789. Then states and amendments were added. See, 1819 for the last lawful amendment. Virginia ratified XIII TONA. Then Oregon 1859 is the last lawful state among the several states of our Confederated perpetual Union. Federal is code for after March 1861 with governing law being martial law. Our lawful The United States of America’s in Congress Assembled has not happened since 24 December 1860. When South Carolina seceded and broke the Confederation and perpetual Union, we acquired color of law until March 1861. Then we got martial law. Lincoln’s EO #100 the Lieber Code and it is still in effect in the US Army plan for Martial Law 2018. Except on Oregon as of June 2018.

They, USMC, make the claim it is not them. It is Navy( bullshit the Navy is not on the land and soil) it is DOD bullshit 1775 USMC more ancient responsibility. A de jure, original jurisdiction, responsibility. They take orders from the several states and Oregon is one of those several states and we are the ARTICLE I Section I provisional government on Oregon the land and soil de jure to de jure USMC. That billet must exist!!! With the proper oath to the Proper Constitutions. QUESTION?: who in the USMC is responsible for keeping the part of the oath that covers "Enemies from within?" It cannot be the Federal US Army they are the de facto perpetrators. When the USMC claim, “not me,” is made "to shift responsibility." We deny that claim and demand the USMC support that claim. A preponderance of evidence is in the public domain and published at www.orsja.org.

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Thank you both as always.

Here is the Pilgrims Society Interviewer, He is Blind...


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Mike Adams Brighteon Broadcast News, July 15, 2024

start embedded video min 21:30

Prophecies of attempted assassination of Trump, followed by economic collapse


after the video Mike Adams goes through what will happen after inauguration ...

Brandon Biggs NICHT not complete version!

Trump Assassination Prediction 3/15/24 by Brandon Biggs


on a "higher level" YES Trump is in this with his "higher self" that let him turn his head ...

but thats just my humble perception as a trained medium

NOW a new momentum is there

greetings from Germany Ulrich

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Nice to hear from you, Ulrich!

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This analysis makes sense. It encompasses several key questions I had. Am I merely seeking out an echo chamber to rationalize my beliefs or am I seeking the truth. I feel like by tuning into your commentary, I am seeking the truth.

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i think that everything about what JB body double does and says and acts, is all FAKE. He isn't JB and he doesn't have Parkinsons, he is faking it all, and that will be seen when this is all over, he is faking it. because he walked out totally normally the other day when he seemed to be in shock that DJT was not murdered, and was swinging his arms, didn't stutter, didn't trip or walk slowly, he was as normal as you and ! He is faking all of this nonsense.

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MY BROTHER! You are so spot on and and a total gangster of the AIM truth , I THOUGHT I was gonna get the F word outa of yah BUT leave that up to us TRUCKERS to be so bad ass and follow are rubber duck BROTHER of truth , GOD BLESS you and my Scottish worrier sister , I LOVE YOU ♥️🙏♥️🦁🌷...

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good interview with ex-CIA Larry Johnson and ex-FBI hostage rescue guy:


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check these pros, who I trust, out: https://rumble.com/v56xpkt-emergency-roundtable-7-14-24.html

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Well so FALSE that Kim Goguen's news report today (15th) has videos showing exactly how it was done.. the Secret Service shot the "alleged shooter" creating the panic and Trump clutching his ear with fake blood. If he had been shot, he would have been unconscious, disoriented, bloody all over, and some of the ear would be missing. Why did they allow him to wave his arm and not get him out of the picture faster? It was FAKE. The Secret Service is now clearly operatives paid to stage this the same as the Kennedy assassination. They expect to be paid, but karma will pay them fully. They have made a mockery of their Secret Service mission.

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One thing I heard about the gunshots on the videos is that the microphone at the dais was picking up the sound. That it may have been making you hear what seemed like two shots for every one. fwiw

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For Trump to succeed he will have to channel JFK Jr if he’s as smart as he thinks he is. If he names VP KevinMcCarthy it means relinquishing his worst character flaws, his dark side is dark.

Going by his words, STOLLEN, EVERYTHING and FightFightFight none of that bodes well.

I kindof hope he makes it. That would redeem the Founding Fathers and linage of all the hard work, worth it! No expectations. Only prayers.

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Excellent coverage. I also listened over an over and over to the videos trying to pin facts down, which was an impossible task in my opinion.

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I am so pleased to hear you two say what I 'knew' as this scenario unfolded. These 'people' are obviously desperate. And Douglas, I want to know more about your vast background! I am learning tidbits from this broadcast. Military background? Tell me more. I, too, am a veteran. Let us continue on with our sharing truth. In gratitude, Robert

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