Douglas, sometimes I think that you go too fast for your own good. And that is where Tyla comes in! I mean, I recall hearing you say that all actors were liars! That baffled my mind! To 'play a role', with and for a purpose of entertaining, because that is what actors do, is not at all the same as being a 'liar' in the common use of the word. To 'pretend' to be someone because that is your art form has nothing to do with being a liar, which is someone who has something questionable in mind. How about when Rudolf and his crowd did their 'performances' back in their time, were they all liars? I surely question Robert Kennedy. He is not against vaccinations and that is disturbing, but as Nancy has stated, is there real evidence of him being all that you claim? And John Kennedy, although he was not perfect and his father was a bootlegger, he, as President, was, in fact waking up. He was killed because he was waking up, and he was going to awaken the American public to the realities that he was realizing. He was a heroic war veteran, and someone who commanded the respect of many Americans. He did rely on drugs because, from my understanding, he was always in pain. You will never lose credibility with me, but sometimes you get to vibrating sooooo fast! In gratitude, as always, for your Presence, Robert

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Douglas does most of his communications non-verbal.

Sometimes he has to slow down or change his ascension vibration to a different vibration which is not healthy for his body, then he starts talking faster like a yearling and Then TG settles him down and gets the question answered or pointed in the ascension direction... if you’re interested in that sort of thing...

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according to this both jack, older brother joe were not in fact Kennedys... https://nafpaktoserxomaste.wordpress.com/2020/10/10/the-books-of-q/

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May I ask, who do we have in politics that isn't a fraudster? Anyone? I'm at a loss, if RFK is fake too..

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Vote even if your vote is stolen, not counted or lost. Physical attendance to city council and school board meetings. (They will suck and you will be bored out of your mind.)

And get to know and communicate with your sheriff.

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I do not think it is good karma for you to judge RFK jr so harshly. He has educated so many on the dangers of all vaccines, that NO childhood vaccines have had placebo safety studies and have never been proven to be either safe or effective. They successful sued the FCC for their fraudulent and outdated microwave safety limits. He has done a lot of good and you are just bad mouthing him with both real info and also disinfo. weaved into the witch's brew. CCJ (criticism, condemnation, judgment) is a form of Witch Craft.

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truth should stand alone, why would karma be involved?

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I found out that Robert F Kennedy Jr. is a managing partner of Vantagepoint Capital Partners which is heavily invested in fourth industrial revolution tech and they are on the World economic forum. I verified all of this with an easy search online.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ::


Alan E. Salzman | World Economic Forum


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Imagine a world where there is no virus nor atomic bombs…

Imagine a world where there is no infrastructure or money being spent on those false narratives or fear generated control systems.

Imagine there is no inflation like there was during the first 150 years of our nation’s founding.

Imagine a nation where a family of 4 having only one adult work 24 hours a week and maintain middle income status which included having a home and car of the their own. 🙏✝️😘

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Imagine how much better off we would be if we restored lawful money

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Imagine a world without sickness or cancer if we all did it it would become so

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I love you guys and believe just about everything you say but couldn't he just be smart enough to not say I'm against all vaccines? Thats suchs a hard sell right off the bat to public, as people learn about covid theyll change their own minds and than half the battle is fought for. Or he could just wait to get into office to try to change regulations and dismantle fauxchi. Seems like common sense to me way more than hes working for big pharma. His voice I honestly believe that was prob done to him on purpose. Turn your voice into a dotted line and that 50% of you power it was cut in half. Am I wrong? I love you guys so much this is one of only times I've disagreed with you but I trust my guy on this.(but willing to change my opinion if new facts come to light 😉)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OokHd05Tq4E hour 1:10 to 1:15 actual JRK Jr. testimony.https://childrenshealthdefense.org I watched his testimony reply this week, JFK Jr. did NOT say what he is accused of, watch the tape link above. He wants safety testing on vaccines. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5078975/user-clip-rfk-jr-testimony-congress-2023 Kennedy believes the government agencies are compromised and owned by Pharma and or funding. He got public records requests finally answered that show NO vaccines have been tested for safety or against a placebo. Yes, he used to believe in vaccines, -- didn't we all --but he does not want to be labeled totally "Anti-vaccine" so that he can be heard to make changes, hold government agencies accountable and win lawsuits for Plaintiffs. I think I heard him say his voice was damaged by a vaccine but he is kinda private about that.

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❤️❤️❤️ Douglas! Such a legend!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Wonderful as always, Thank you both. memes away..

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The kennedys …. Huge lists of the family members on Epstein’s list - pedophiles

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I was doing third eye and pineal gland activation tonight and suddenly on the top of my brain below my skull a flower opened like a lotus flower and then within a few minutes it became a fiery lotus flower and then within an hour it became black fire. I've not heard of black fire before I don't know what it is, I was wondering if you might reply and let me know what it is. I appreciate all that you're doing and love your YouTube and substack works.

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Thank you. I am very interested in that 'sort of thing'. Tyla knows my email address. I am always open to expanding my understanding, which comes through my own experience, coupled with direction from those like Douglas and Tyla, Rudolf and maybe you. I appreciate your taking the time to comment. Sincerely, Robert

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Pray tell whom shall we vote for in the 2024 elections? If there is an election anyway.

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You used a very interesting and signigicant word right there at the start i.e. "Pray". Be aware of what "vote" signifies; 'vote (n): mid-15c., "formal expression of one's wish or choice with regard to a proposal, candidate, etc.," from Latin votum "a vow, wish, promise to a god, solemn pledge, dedication," [...]. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=vote

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This report is a 'Rapture' moment & pinned on my profile <Practically no impressions - only 3 engagements... (Twitter Safety- Hateful content) [ADL Demon]? I'm leaving this tweet pinned until RFK jr. is exposed for being an agent for the [D]evil & its pharmaceutical depopulation (War on Children & Humanity) agenda ... The Truth sits there among the stars waiting, waiting with the patience of eons, forever waiting to be revealed ... Infinite Blessings ∞φ†

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I never liked this guy, HE DOES NOT TALK ABOUT THE NANOTECH FROM THE VACCINES, shame on JFK junior. His site bans this info, who knows who his sponsor is. I bet it's the black nobility.

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Although I do believe RK is being used, I would like to point out that he has been fighting the vaccine industry for over 25 years. This isn't something new for him. I don't necessarily think he's a good choice because of the family he's married into.

Also, there's no such thing as karma except to the ppl whose mindset has come to except this as truth, in which case, what you look for, you see.

I do like listening to Doug and Tyla, but they see almost EVERYTHING and everyone through the lens of evil

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What has been the effect of RFK fighting the vaccine industry for all those years? Would our situation be worse without his efforts? I don't think so. Perhaps he and his voice has been used all this time to push people away from the vaccine topic.

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