Excellent and enlightening presentation and conversation thankyou I certainly subscribe to all that was presented, Ron has a great radio voice, he presented a strong position and represented it well.

Who were Rudolph Steiners teachers/mentors spiritual guides?

If we reincarnate in groups there must be a reason for the unity if not for re -contact then what is the worthwhileness?

Douglas where do you source your current information in regard to what you present as fact in regard to beings incarnated etc.

I have used a pendulum for decades to some success after gaining awareness about the trickery and deceit we open ourselves up to. I receive thoughts that just arrive and have learnt to listen, discern and importantly act on them, the method results in positive flow and outcomes much is achieved with ease.

Is this normal please



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Thank you sir, you're very kind.

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HAS ANYBODY! Ever met someone you thought you knew even though you never met them before , Right now I have a friend named mike who looks like my old friend named mike and even has the same occupation and characteristics , I know people now that I knew then , When then that was I don’t know, When my wife and I traveled we had are dog with us , When in California on the beach during a beautiful sunset are dog passed, We moved on and my wife found are next dog in bad axe Michigan at a breeder so off we went passing right by T&D at the time not knowing them then , But soon after we got are new pup and started to travel east we notice something peculiar with are pup , She starting doing almost everything are passed dog did , I believe are energy pulls in there energy like magnetic frequencies that shape all the Karmateristics , REMEMBER when your Angry,Sad or Happy towards another, That other is you that created them with your energy ...

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Awesome, I as well noticed that kind of behavior in my pets as well. 100th monkey? Learned pet owners? The group Animal spirits know us? Thanks for the interesting comment!

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More intimate facts about reincarnation. RS Lecture


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Memories of several of my past lives I experienced at age three...in my backyard. Boy was that a trip., resulting in lesions all over my body. I guess I got shor circuited! I had instant recall of being a small baby and my last most recent incarnation., Being in a concentration camp taking care of children. I could go on and on, my psychic ability became quite pronounced then. Years later, I was introduy to Parmahansa Yogananda and all became quite clear by studying the Self Realization Lessons

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Do you ever wonder if the Biblical Christ, Yeshua, reincarnated in this TimeLine or has Evolved beyond Reincarnations & moved on to greater responsibilities in the Heavenly Realms? Can the Title of 'Saviour' be a personal TREK or 'Yogendra' from Bootcamp to "Be all you can be"?

I believe God+(Sofia) has the ability to have more than 1 Child-more like ∞! After all, each soul or Human occupies infinity Dimensions & reins over an infinite Domain. =>Out of Eternity, the Current Age of the Universe is just a drop, a Precipitated Proton, an Atom of Hydrogen in the Oceans of time. The Current Models, for example, don't account for the continuous Hydrogen Genesis occurring at the Vortex of Gravitational Objects & when Eternal LIGHT Cycles into Galactic Nuclei Creating ∞ Stars, Planets+ In addition, there's no account for the TRUTH Blackholes Convert Neutrons (Matter) to Electrons (Energy) & are Eternal & Thus Some are as Old as Time itself. =>Look in the Mirror. What do you See? Space. ~∞φ†

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That was a wonderful discussion. I believe there can be no doubt as to the reality of Reincarnation. I feel strongly that we will never have to wonder what happens when we can't find a body in which to incarnate. Jesus is King, He'll take care of that. I had a thought about what I might want to do in my next life. I think I'd like to be the person who delivers Karma. Just think about that. Are you smiling?

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Thanks so much for everything, I have find allot of inspiration through reading your books and articles.

Can you maybe help me with a talk on morality, the subject has my mind in knots. Moral guidelines for our age and for the future, how to be a righteous person with no religion in mind, and how to connect with spirit to know when you make a moral decision, thats true

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