Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022Pinned

We discussed many topics at super speeds. For more information on some of the topics:

Where to find TRUTH HISTORY chapter PDFs: https://aim4truth.org/truth-history-of-the-modern-world/

Gab post on charcoal. Make sure to follow @notadoc (on Gab) for science and medical insights that are healing and helpful. The discussion on charcoal is inside this Gab post: https://gab.com/Gabriels_Horn/posts/109107011253032357

@Mark_Chalks (on Gab) sent us the video on peptides: https://odysee.com/@ClivedeCarle:1/phil-micanhands:0

The recipe for St. Germain-inspired oatmeal: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/St--Germain-Inspired-Oatmeal-Recipe.html?soid=1117755878567&aid=mofO81XZ3V0

We purchase biodynamic coffee from Café Altura. It is available in health food-type stores, but we just order ours online: https://cafealtura.com/

Did you see the latest truth history lesson from AFI? Once you know the real Jews from the fake Jews, you can better understand the last 3,000 years and why we are where we are today: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2022/10/worldwide-banking-usury-worship-of.html

The stone that I am pointing to in the post image is palladium meteorite and olivine.

If you want to know more about any other topic, let us know and we will try to address it.

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If biodynamic coffee is out side of your budget, a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a pot of coffee is great for turning the acid into electrolytes.

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THANKYOU ! I have looked at the devil in the face and it was looking right back at me in the mirror, Then i took years of self exorcism to remove the demons , The process of awakening is never ending now , i came across you to angels years ago after being X communicated from another awakening and jumping off to my now place from which i have always came from ,My spirit in love and truth ,I am for evermore Greatful , Thankyou my friends of the light and love of the truth...


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"I Looked The Devil In The Face"....then I found out I was going in the right direction! That should be the title of a song! Great podcast today as always!

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Light manipulations, our source of light, the sun. Atmospheric aerolization in our skies, what if these demons have found a way to refract sunlight to, as you have stated in the audio to modify the light we receive from the sun there by causing the modifications of the brain synapses? When I was younger sunlight was never a problem, however over the past few years I cannot stand direct sunlight as it feels very unnatural now. I know the science says the atmosphere is weakening yet I can only wonder if that is truly the case now since you've enlighten us on light experiments.

On the way home from our market yesterday I came to this observation while speaking to my better half about the health of society in our world now. I have come to the conclusions that without our knowledge the people of these past 3, 4 erhaps even more generations have been the subjects of mass experimentation, Covid and the jab just have the latest in this worldwide experimental cocktail they been serving to the people.

Lastly, captured elemental beings in technology and sciences, I must highlight that the capturing and usage of these beings by man is two fold, they being used in the moral light as Tyla explained can be good, that used in immoral ways is bad. Therefore we have need to adjust the way in which they are used, not eliminate them.

Thanks for these golden nuggets of information, together we will solve this puzzle.

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Do you think the green l.e.d. light coming from the back of Apple watches is manipulating dna? Apple says it’s for reading you heart rate, blood oxygen etc….

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When speaking of possession Douglas mentioned facing the "threshold" and 3 demons in pursuit. I'm not sure what he meant. Would he expound upon that? Also, I remember reading Malachi Martin's book "Hostage To The Devil" many, many years ago. I'm sure Douglas is familiar with the book and with Martin. I'd like to ask what Douglas thought of Fr. Martin. Also, are the three elemental kingdoms, earth, wind, and fire? Why are they important? Would Douglas expound upon that as well? CERN has to be the biggest black hole of shekels ever extorted from mankind. Man cannot create anything. He can pretend or mimic, but man cannot create. Also, have you written about the 12-13 senses? Lastly, if you haven't visited Mudfossil University on YT, you may find it very interesting/useful. I have found it to be something of a game changer. If you have the time, I'd like to know your thoughts. Thank you.

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New to sub stack and this is really quality information. I listen to the Crystal ones and then decided to listen to this. Thank you.

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Wow just listened to the crystal one and now halfway this. I’ve never been on substack before what a treasure trove . Thank you.

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Do you guys know anything about Colombian elite shungite, newly discovered in spring 2021? AKA Raquirite. Just purchased a big hunk for $55. Is it genuine, have C60? Or a fake? I am aware that as planets ascend in frequency, new crystals are introduced that hold higher frequencies. Is Raquirite an upgraded elite shungite? Official testing is still being done on it, is what I have seen.

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Can’t find charcoal discussion inside Gab post!?

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Thanks for clearing things up with the black goo. Creepy stuff.

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How may I slow the speed of delivery so it is more comfortable to listen. The information is speeded up and agitates me so I turn it off.

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I can't find the information about charcoal in the link that is posted. I am very interested in the benefits of charcoal. Thanks.

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