Thank you for the info. I'll start praying!

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Thanks for the clarification.

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Thank you so much for sounding the alert!

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Thanks for your deep dives into what is really going on. I despise the human keepers of this planet. Can't wait to get out of here.

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Hi Guys, If they blow Paducah ...remember the New Madrid fault runs the Mississippi River. It would contaminate KY, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana. The River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. It would contaminate the Gulf affecting Alabama, Florida and Texas. Not only would it be an environmental disaster, it would be a health and economic disaster. The perfect storm. Pray.

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Excellent point and one that we should have made in the audio.

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There is a Hopi chief talking about this event . I don't trust that group at all.

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Yes, it is common sense, but I ask everyone to do this now! The frequencies are already very intense. Do this before u get a headache.

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The next idea is to print out the sigils you offer for free and put them on their home garage vehicle and appliances.

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My idea is to store high quality water in the vehicle now.

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Aloha Tyla I agree with you that we need to offer ideas on how to survive and then thrive due to this information you and Douglas shared here. Renting a truck with their belongings and vital papers like birth certificates titles to home and vehicles, bank records, pension and 401k records. Also they could go to a family members house or work friends house or a vrbo rental. It may be important to be inside a house due to fallout. Please continue to advise on this. The terrible events in Maui and all the terrible photos of death disable our ability to act. If friends can give us one idea a day to take action, we can do that.

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OMG, I think we all need to share this everywhere. People need to hear this, it needs to go viral. God bless you for this warning ⚠️ Prayers needed.

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I think they're going to blowup San Francisco. Back to future part 2 and 3 may explain this theory.

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