Thank you both and Tyla as always..

Lilian Scot Troy CAT Report for those that do not know


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Excellent recommendation. When I get the video processed, I will link other research we have done on these topics.

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I Use MySQIF Privacy App and It Is Amazing.! The Peace of Mind Alone Is Well Worth It.

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It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use www.orsja.org. On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.

Right now! We think. There is no other way another state, commonwealth or territory can join in a Congress Assembled in original jurisdiction. You must be with your states ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government without rebuttal.

The basic tenets of a Church(s) were / are / have been / will be modified to meet the conditions of the secular state. Now, how can that be??? When a Church takes on a 501 C3 they put the jurisdiction of the state or states ahead of God and the congregation. Let me see; men and women with our progeny make up the congregation. Sovereigns in a social compact with their God. Then people become persons and go ‘pro se” into giving jurisdiction where none should be relinquished by “jura summi imperii.” Unalienable rights are impossible to lose. Please rescind any “contempt for common law.” Amendment VII and stop repeating the lie it is civil only. It is suits in common law that includes criminal also (Bouvier law 1856) “ in suits “ as defined with the proper dictionary of the proper year for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Original Jurisdiction of the one supreme Court claiming Article III, that is not SCOTUS. A jury must have 12!! Article III is found in the county nearest the event / action /crime. Article III is found in Amendment VII and as the value exceeds $20.00 there is no Judge involved and the jury verdict has no appeal in fact. That is a one supreme Court. This Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record is operated by ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. It is our social compact having implemented ex parte Milligan and nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA on Oregon aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. All of you are with us and have with full faith and credit a share in our court. Those of us on Oregon may not have something others are deprived of. By the provenance of the only know history of a sovereign man or woman with our progeny from before 1775, forward through 1776 and the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s last article, known as our Constitution 1789. Then states and amendments were added. See, 1819 for the last lawful amendment. Virginia ratified XIII TONA. Then Oregon 1859 is the last lawful state among the several states of our Confederated perpetual Union. Federal is code for after March 1861 with governing law being martial law. Our lawful The United States of America’s in Congress Assembled has not happened since 24 December 1860. When South Carolina seceded and broke the Confederation and perpetual Union, we acquired color of law until March 1861. Then we got martial law. Lincoln’s EO #100 the Lieber Code and it is still in effect in the US Army plan for Martial Law 2018. Except on Oregon as of June 2018.

They, USMC, make the claim it is not them. It is Navy( bullshit the Navy is not on the land and soil) it is DOD bullshit 1775 USMC more ancient responsibility. A de jure, original jurisdiction, responsibility. They take orders from the several states and Oregon is one of those several states and we are the ARTICLE I Section I provisional government on Oregon the land and soil de jure to de jure USMC. That billet must exist!!! With the proper oath to the Proper Constitutions. QUESTION?: who in the USMC is responsible for keeping the part of the oath that covers "Enemies from within?" It cannot be the Federal US Army they are the de facto perpetrators. When the USMC claim, “not me,” is made "to shift responsibility." We deny that claim and demand the USMC support that claim. A preponderance of evidence is in the public domain and published at www.orsja.org.

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I need the MAC version of this privacy app...on knees..begging

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A better perspective perhaps. These Pilgrims society criminals have been monitoring our communications since the invention of the telegraph. Thanks to them stealing Micheal's invention, though his loss we now have all the evidence of their crimes. That's quite a feather in ya alls cap. Thank you all for your sacrifice in bringing out and telling the truth. Hump Dumpty had to fall before we can put things back together. Let it all collapse so we can start anew!

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Tyla, thank you for putting this out. Mike and Douglas have summarized seven years of important research into this one presentation. It’s important that people understand this and take action to protect their own privacy. No one’s gonna do it for you.

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Thank you, Jay. We put an extensive bibliography here: https://aim4truth.org/2024/07/24/weve-crossed-the-rubicon-and-there-is-no-going-back/

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Super overall historical synapses of the world in which we live.

I cant use SQIF. Gates of hell company remotely locked me out of two laptops in May and one laptop that was shut down never went online. In a way my home was virtually broken into and two laptop stolen. I’m finished using ms products and switched over to linex.

Tyla I’ll keep following you on GAB even though GAB will no longer allow me to freely dm you. They want want money for that privilege.

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I know it is challenging for people to access truth information. Douglas, Michael, and I will continue to speak up as long as we can.

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Tyla, have you seen this video? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you wrote this guy's words or book for him. He even calls out Candace Owens new father-in-law. I get really excited when I hear other people confirm everything you and the miners have been saying. ha!

Ep.424: How The British Invented Communism (And Blamed It On The Jews) w/ Richard Poe


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I will give it a view. THANK YOU!!

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Another heartfelt thanks for reaching for the stars and delivering ✨️

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I get these notifications on protonmail. Sigh.......#macuser

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Well, I have 3 1/2 pages of yellow notebook paper just on the last 30 or so minutes! Maybe a trans script when the video is posted? Thank you. Off to tell my proton friends, Nope.

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Txs for this kind of TOTAL RECALL - we are reminded to see anything on the world stage based on the real truth history timeline ....

greetings from the German Observation Outpost in almost no-where EU/NATO La La Land

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Txs for this kind of TOTAL RECALL - we are reminded to see anything on the world stage based on the real truth history timeline ....

greetings from the German Observation Outpost in almost no-where EU/NATO La La Land

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could mySkiff be adapted for Linux mint?

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A neighborhood cat with his head stuck in a Campbell Soup new England Clam Chowder can blocked my free passage from my night post to the field gate in the morning. This worried me because the cat was not moving. At all. No tail twitch. No breathing. No moving backward to try to retrace their steps. Nothing. I slowly approached the cat, and knelt down and gently twisted the can and pulled as my other hand kept the shoulders from moving with the head and can. THE CAT WOKE UP AND UNPOPPED ITS HEAD AND RAN AWAY OUT OF SIGHT. The next day it tried to explain what happened but it was not yet sure. This was 2 months ago. The cat still waits about 20 feet away every morning, and will be there waiting for my return tonight. I never feed it. That is the joy for the local cat food goddesses. I wish the response to my COVID/Pilgrim Society reports relayed from you folks and others was as thoughtful. All I see are grown adults sucking on their CFR programmed televisions and newspapers as if it were the spirit of their long dead great great grandmothers. A few true souls reside nearby, but not enough people holding the truth dear and close to heart.

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Thank you for your comment. We see humans all around us falling into the 8th Sphere and there isn't anything we can do for them.

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