How refreshing to hear the two of you! I underwent surgery so I have been out of the loop so to speak for awhile. I wondered if I would ever get another 'email' from you both.

I live in Virginia and Trump threw my Congressman Bob Good under the bus. I am in complete agreement with you relative to Trump. Common sense says it all, but not many are interested in common sense. "They" want to be saved by someone, somehow. I sit with Rudolf every day and he said 100 years ago that civilization was headed for destruction unless we awaken to what he was saying. I wonder if there is anyone who is carrying his torch, other than you two, that has some heartfelt feeling to it. I am embarrassed that I am not doing more, am not more in tune with the invisible Kingdom. I consider teaching that which I want most to learn, and that is the world of Rudolf. Without his insights and revelations, and the like, as in Master Eckhart and others, nothing can improve. You both are my most cherished relationship, although I have never met either one of you in the flesh. I wanted to go to Michigan for some of those gatherings but I have never been able to show up! I am so moved to be able to hear your voices while sitting in my own home! Thank you.

Our future is in our hands, no one else's. With much gratitude, Robert D.

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We are going to start doing the 'Betsy and Thomas' show more regularly so that we can keep you informed. Thanks for the comment.

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Checkout John Barnwell too. He is a gem and I have two of his books also. Keep trucking brother!

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I think Trump will be convicted and sentenced to a year or more in prison and his sentence will be overturned on appeal.

Commies will say for the next many months conviction…conviction… conviction…

After Trump wins the rigged election, if Trump’s DOJ, Space Force or Oracle lays out the actual lawful votes in 6 “swing states”, 3 “blue” and 3 “red” states, establishes the “continental dollar” with redemption by gold and silver, abolishes the income tax and tariffs are used to fund a much smaller federal government, deports 20 million illegals and finishes the wall in the first 100 days will be a good start.

And no I’m not holding my breath.

In the meantime, I am working on my ascension journey. Currently I am most of my way through Sophia volume 2.

Thank you Thank you Thank you! 🙏 🙏🙏

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The only way "out" of this mess is "UP". (As in spiritual)

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Hi to you, Betsy and Gabriel,

I agree, Trump is the most effective controlled opposition the world hs ever seen. He and his cohort are just as evil as the Biden cohort, the two factions work together. We the People should take heart though, this is the year of the great unmasking...

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OMG, thank you for your very hard work and deep, deep dives into the very sad truth. We are literally Royaly screwed as a County.

Is there anything, WE as a People can do to stop this charade and save America?

Sharing this everywhere. God bless you both 🙏

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Trump lets others talk for him. He’s got enough to deal with.

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I wish I could follow your logic.

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