Aloha Tyla you are Divine Inspiration. Thank you and Douglas for being with us on this jourey. I love the kitchen talks as something very special happens when you two are free flowing in front of a microphone. Love and Mahalo.

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Thanks Tyla. So glad that your experience of life is one of abundance, peace and joy and you open yourself up to share that with us all.

Douglas recommended reading voyage to Arcturus on one of the podcasts when we were roadtrippin’ and hot springin’ in thermopolis out west. It took me months to get around to reading it… but whoa! It is haunting and really sticks with you. The one part of the book that I always think about… is the very end… when he’s having a vision of what must be cosmic source energy of eternal love, shining indiscriminately, yet there is something like a screen in front of it, that is stepping down that energy and sheathing it somehow, and receiving great tremors of pleasure and joy as it is ‘feeding off the source.’ The result is, billions of tiny lights that are wandering about, some brighter than others, and these brighter ones doing their best to return to that great source. Occasionally one of them has a great accomplishment or breakthrough, and all the other shaded particles immediately glom onto it and sort of take credit for its increased stature. The same shaded particles were trying to prevent that very breakthrough but claim it as their own when it occurs.

This part of the book sticks with me. I always told myself if I ever met Douglas I’d ask him what he makes of the end of Voyage to Arcturus!

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Maybe I can entice him to do an audio recording about the ending. For others that may not know the backstory:



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“Wise Imaginal tales heal the wounds of incarnating in this world of woe, this vail of tears. Finding the grail, climbing the ladder of Jacob, ascending the Seven Story Mountain, or finding enlightenment are all attainable through the first level of spirit development – Imagination.”

Thanks Tyla, I really liked that article on inklings and anthroposophy. So magical…

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Thank you Tyla: My friends and I are seeing the same thing but not with the same phrasing. I was 'raptured' in 87 with a Kundalini awakening, forever setting me in another world from others around me. Now I feel that it was preparation for these times we are now living. I too am grateful for so much that cannot be bought or gained today in this time. That was the time for it, this is the gate through.

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