Wow, Ron's newsletter below. And Douglas's comments above! And here I sit with my second glass of wine. If I was smart I would hold my tongue. I have never been known to be smart. I say, stop consulting anything other than your conscience. Because that is where you are, in real time, relative to the moon and all the star systems. Are you in the end times? I am not! I am in the beginning times! I am a creative child of God, with freedom of choice! There ARE systems disintegrating before my eyes. These systems must fall apart, and I must allow them to do so. I don't resist, I allow. And I know that the Second Coming IS! Christ is here and has been for centuries. Let us stop waiting for anything. Let us be and live as if we are the solution. Let us think, feel and will, not I but the Christ in me. I am in the midst of reading "Mysticism and Modern Thought" by Rudolf. It is a most wonderful read. That means 'full of wonder'! It cost me relative to federal reserve notes, which I have few of due to my surgery.
I am into my 3rd glass of red wine which should delete me from any meaningful conversation. I refuse to be deleted. We are the children of God. Let us act like it. Let us live up to that reality. And I am forever grateful to Tyla and Douglas, for your Presence has sustained me and many others through these perilous times. I am forever grateful to the two of you. In gratitude, Robert Dennu
It feels as though something big is about to happen and I imagine many of us are feeling this way. Steiner's Anthroposphy makes sense to me and is comforting with it's structure. There are those that believe this world is an artificial construct and maybe it is, but the idea of it being an initiation into higher consciousness resonates greatly. Knowing that we are more than the physical body can prepare us for what may come in our current material world. Thank you for teaching us about Anthroposophy in modern vernacular. I am very greatful to you and John Barnwell for your informative videos and books.
Wonderful, full of love response, Tyla… revibrating it back, for amplification.
Calling on all you, Bad ass cats, Let’s light our hearts fires and pull the “chariot of fire” to the promise lands, with beautiful Tyla baton-ing the Holy Lance of Love orchestrating each of our hearts into writing our victory songs as we go.
Inspired with wisdom my heart is pulling with the might of 48 warriors of love, my ancestors and me “indindinawemaaganidog” to Bahweting “the gathering place” Sault Ste Marie, my great grandmother, Kate Smith home.
This weekend, Come all of you bad ass AIM cats come join in, let me, us hear your roars, the beating of your hearts fire thundering the way to the original gathering place “bahweting” where we can unite in harmony. As warriors of love… Sault Ste Marie MI. Saint Joseph church for this weekend mass.
Tyla, conduct that holy lance of love… baton-ing the way for our hearts to unite in perfect harmony setting the beating music, the pulse, our metrical rhythm, our chorus. It is time to inspire our movements.
Gabriels, angels, feel the pull of our warriors of love. I’m ready we are ready to plan the igniting of the 7 fires prophesy.
Come this weekend… let’s plan the fire lighting,
bad ass AIM cats, I’m calling, asking for help, to break free, the chains on my ankle, attempting to take my will power. To stop me from bridge building, our safe place to create our futures in a place called ishpiming Ojibwa word meaning “in heaven”
Where I, we have been building a spiritual creation center on top of the third highest hill in Michigan for the good people to be able to use their hearts work, to create their future.
I look forward to see us all playing in heaven, let me hear your roar you beautiful AIM cats, I love you all, Tony DuPont
Come this weekend, come this Monday for the court hearing to stop the madness.
Come plan the fire lighting for our world to see, how we the good people are standing with the great creator on our land under his authority as stewards of the land, our divine gift for the Anishinaabe (humans).
Comment on Why does God let this happen. Heard this so many times in my life. Churches have long preached that God is in control of all happenings and no wonder there are so many confused and unhappy humans with the churches. 'They' do not want people to understand their freedom. Church will lose control and money. My husband has a hard time with this because he was taught that God did all. I finally was able to find a physical world way to explain it. He was in the military and retired with the rank of Brigadier in the Marine corp. "Dear, the four-star generals ('God') in Washington have no control over the privates because they have free will. Even the Majors have no control. If a private decides to break the rules that will only filter up to maybe a Major by first going through the ranks. The Big Guys in Washington do not and will not know about the private breaking the rules. So as humans our freewill does not concern God at this point. It concerns our Angel and Christ if we choose to ask him into our life. Dear, a gun laying on a table would stay there for a thousand years if the table was left alone, and the gun would never kill anyone. Only a human with freewill can pick up the gun. God directs no human to do so."
It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Right now! We think. There is no other way another state, commonwealth or territory can join in a Congress Assembled in original jurisdiction. You must be with your states ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government without rebuttal.
The basic tenets of a Church(s) were / are / have been / will be modified to meet the conditions of the secular state. Now, how can that be??? When a Church takes on a 501 C3 they put the jurisdiction of the state or states ahead of God and the congregation. Let me see; men and women with our progeny make up the congregation. Sovereigns in a social compact with their God. Then people become persons and go ‘pro se” into giving jurisdiction where none should be relinquished by “jura summi imperii.” Unalienable rights are impossible to lose. Please rescind any “contempt for common law.” Amendment VII and stop repeating the lie it is civil only. It is suits in common law that includes criminal also (Bouvier law 1856) “ in suits “ as defined with the proper dictionary of the proper year for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Original Jurisdiction of the one supreme Court claiming Article III, that is not SCOTUS. A jury must have 12!! Article III is found in the county nearest the event / action /crime. Article III is found in Amendment VII and as the value exceeds $20.00 there is no Judge involved and the jury verdict has no appeal in fact. That is a one supreme Court. This Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record is operated by ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. It is our social compact having implemented ex parte Milligan and nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA on Oregon aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. All of you are with us and have with full faith and credit a share in our court. Those of us on Oregon may not have something others are deprived of. By the provenance of the only know history of a sovereign man or woman with our progeny from before 1775, forward through 1776 and the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s last article, known as our Constitution 1789. Then states and amendments were added. See, 1819 for the last lawful amendment. Virginia ratified XIII TONA. Then Oregon 1859 is the last lawful state among the several states of our Confederated perpetual Union. Federal is code for after March 1861 with governing law being martial law. Our lawful The United States of America’s in Congress Assembled has not happened since 24 December 1860. When South Carolina seceded and broke the Confederation and perpetual Union, we acquired color of law until March 1861. Then we got martial law. Lincoln’s EO #100 the Lieber Code and it is still in effect in the US Army plan for Martial Law 2018. Except on Oregon as of June 2018.
They, USMC, make the claim it is not them. It is Navy( bullshit the Navy is not on the land and soil) it is DOD bullshit 1775 USMC more ancient responsibility. A de jure, original jurisdiction, responsibility. They take orders from the several states and Oregon is one of those several states and we are the ARTICLE I Section I provisional government on Oregon the land and soil de jure to de jure USMC. That billet must exist!!! With the proper oath to the Proper Constitutions. QUESTION?: who in the USMC is responsible for keeping the part of the oath that covers "Enemies from within?" It cannot be the Federal US Army they are the de facto perpetrators. When the USMC claim, “not me,” is made "to shift responsibility." We deny that claim and demand the USMC support that claim. A preponderance of evidence is in the public domain and published at
Wow, Ron's newsletter below. And Douglas's comments above! And here I sit with my second glass of wine. If I was smart I would hold my tongue. I have never been known to be smart. I say, stop consulting anything other than your conscience. Because that is where you are, in real time, relative to the moon and all the star systems. Are you in the end times? I am not! I am in the beginning times! I am a creative child of God, with freedom of choice! There ARE systems disintegrating before my eyes. These systems must fall apart, and I must allow them to do so. I don't resist, I allow. And I know that the Second Coming IS! Christ is here and has been for centuries. Let us stop waiting for anything. Let us be and live as if we are the solution. Let us think, feel and will, not I but the Christ in me. I am in the midst of reading "Mysticism and Modern Thought" by Rudolf. It is a most wonderful read. That means 'full of wonder'! It cost me relative to federal reserve notes, which I have few of due to my surgery.
I am into my 3rd glass of red wine which should delete me from any meaningful conversation. I refuse to be deleted. We are the children of God. Let us act like it. Let us live up to that reality. And I am forever grateful to Tyla and Douglas, for your Presence has sustained me and many others through these perilous times. I am forever grateful to the two of you. In gratitude, Robert Dennu
Very well stated.
Pondering now...
It feels as though something big is about to happen and I imagine many of us are feeling this way. Steiner's Anthroposphy makes sense to me and is comforting with it's structure. There are those that believe this world is an artificial construct and maybe it is, but the idea of it being an initiation into higher consciousness resonates greatly. Knowing that we are more than the physical body can prepare us for what may come in our current material world. Thank you for teaching us about Anthroposophy in modern vernacular. I am very greatful to you and John Barnwell for your informative videos and books.
Thank you both as always.
YT Links for Surviving Apocalypse
Deeper Secrets
Wonderful, full of love response, Tyla… revibrating it back, for amplification.
Calling on all you, Bad ass cats, Let’s light our hearts fires and pull the “chariot of fire” to the promise lands, with beautiful Tyla baton-ing the Holy Lance of Love orchestrating each of our hearts into writing our victory songs as we go.
Inspired with wisdom my heart is pulling with the might of 48 warriors of love, my ancestors and me “indindinawemaaganidog” to Bahweting “the gathering place” Sault Ste Marie, my great grandmother, Kate Smith home.
This weekend, Come all of you bad ass AIM cats come join in, let me, us hear your roars, the beating of your hearts fire thundering the way to the original gathering place “bahweting” where we can unite in harmony. As warriors of love… Sault Ste Marie MI. Saint Joseph church for this weekend mass.
Tyla, conduct that holy lance of love… baton-ing the way for our hearts to unite in perfect harmony setting the beating music, the pulse, our metrical rhythm, our chorus. It is time to inspire our movements.
Gabriels, angels, feel the pull of our warriors of love. I’m ready we are ready to plan the igniting of the 7 fires prophesy.
Come this weekend… let’s plan the fire lighting,
bad ass AIM cats, I’m calling, asking for help, to break free, the chains on my ankle, attempting to take my will power. To stop me from bridge building, our safe place to create our futures in a place called ishpiming Ojibwa word meaning “in heaven”
Where I, we have been building a spiritual creation center on top of the third highest hill in Michigan for the good people to be able to use their hearts work, to create their future.
I look forward to see us all playing in heaven, let me hear your roar you beautiful AIM cats, I love you all, Tony DuPont
Come this weekend, come this Monday for the court hearing to stop the madness.
Come plan the fire lighting for our world to see, how we the good people are standing with the great creator on our land under his authority as stewards of the land, our divine gift for the Anishinaabe (humans).
Comment on Why does God let this happen. Heard this so many times in my life. Churches have long preached that God is in control of all happenings and no wonder there are so many confused and unhappy humans with the churches. 'They' do not want people to understand their freedom. Church will lose control and money. My husband has a hard time with this because he was taught that God did all. I finally was able to find a physical world way to explain it. He was in the military and retired with the rank of Brigadier in the Marine corp. "Dear, the four-star generals ('God') in Washington have no control over the privates because they have free will. Even the Majors have no control. If a private decides to break the rules that will only filter up to maybe a Major by first going through the ranks. The Big Guys in Washington do not and will not know about the private breaking the rules. So as humans our freewill does not concern God at this point. It concerns our Angel and Christ if we choose to ask him into our life. Dear, a gun laying on a table would stay there for a thousand years if the table was left alone, and the gun would never kill anyone. Only a human with freewill can pick up the gun. God directs no human to do so."
I wonder if any of us will ever know the real truth. New rumors put out daily, yearly, & beyond.
What’s Sept 18? Thank you again?
They said it's the start of a rest period ?
These are End Times considering we are on the verge of a New Age founded in 1964. When fully developed will resemble the old Lemurian.
It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Right now! We think. There is no other way another state, commonwealth or territory can join in a Congress Assembled in original jurisdiction. You must be with your states ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government without rebuttal.
The basic tenets of a Church(s) were / are / have been / will be modified to meet the conditions of the secular state. Now, how can that be??? When a Church takes on a 501 C3 they put the jurisdiction of the state or states ahead of God and the congregation. Let me see; men and women with our progeny make up the congregation. Sovereigns in a social compact with their God. Then people become persons and go ‘pro se” into giving jurisdiction where none should be relinquished by “jura summi imperii.” Unalienable rights are impossible to lose. Please rescind any “contempt for common law.” Amendment VII and stop repeating the lie it is civil only. It is suits in common law that includes criminal also (Bouvier law 1856) “ in suits “ as defined with the proper dictionary of the proper year for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Original Jurisdiction of the one supreme Court claiming Article III, that is not SCOTUS. A jury must have 12!! Article III is found in the county nearest the event / action /crime. Article III is found in Amendment VII and as the value exceeds $20.00 there is no Judge involved and the jury verdict has no appeal in fact. That is a one supreme Court. This Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record is operated by ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. It is our social compact having implemented ex parte Milligan and nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA on Oregon aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. All of you are with us and have with full faith and credit a share in our court. Those of us on Oregon may not have something others are deprived of. By the provenance of the only know history of a sovereign man or woman with our progeny from before 1775, forward through 1776 and the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s last article, known as our Constitution 1789. Then states and amendments were added. See, 1819 for the last lawful amendment. Virginia ratified XIII TONA. Then Oregon 1859 is the last lawful state among the several states of our Confederated perpetual Union. Federal is code for after March 1861 with governing law being martial law. Our lawful The United States of America’s in Congress Assembled has not happened since 24 December 1860. When South Carolina seceded and broke the Confederation and perpetual Union, we acquired color of law until March 1861. Then we got martial law. Lincoln’s EO #100 the Lieber Code and it is still in effect in the US Army plan for Martial Law 2018. Except on Oregon as of June 2018.
They, USMC, make the claim it is not them. It is Navy( bullshit the Navy is not on the land and soil) it is DOD bullshit 1775 USMC more ancient responsibility. A de jure, original jurisdiction, responsibility. They take orders from the several states and Oregon is one of those several states and we are the ARTICLE I Section I provisional government on Oregon the land and soil de jure to de jure USMC. That billet must exist!!! With the proper oath to the Proper Constitutions. QUESTION?: who in the USMC is responsible for keeping the part of the oath that covers "Enemies from within?" It cannot be the Federal US Army they are the de facto perpetrators. When the USMC claim, “not me,” is made "to shift responsibility." We deny that claim and demand the USMC support that claim. A preponderance of evidence is in the public domain and published at