Can you explain the “new” currency coming next Spring? How long will it last? What will be it’s downfall? What will that look like? When will asset backed currency prevail….gold, silver?

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Perhaps this audio link below discussing Natural Law will help Andre or others resolve his quest for morality in the face of such religious corruption that is of this world.


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Challllz took all of 20 seconds into his elegy to firmly state his demand for a trillion ponds British sterling. I suppose I should send the lizard queen a 'Get Well' card, seeing that obviously she won't. "You're out of the dark, you're out of the woods, you're out of the night....". (Optimistic Voices)

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It's probably the best move a rat could make towards the cheese in the rat trap.

This may be the move that Russia, China, Iran, India, and all of their friends have been waiting for before international tribunals begin knocking out the members of his base.

At least, they were kind enough to wait until he got rid of his mommy. Now that there is no longer a proper symbolic female head to offend, he can drop his snot rag to to provoke a response to start WW3. He will get a response now that his mummy is out of the way.

There is one thing that I didn't know about the Chinese (especially)...until I had watched hundreds of hours of Chinese dramas (during our happy homestay holiday). I did not know that in the Chinese court judgement comes swiftly and the sentence of death is preceded by a royal ass whipping with a seven foot wooden paddle.

When international tribunals begin, and they will come sooner than later, maybe those sentenced to death will be handed over to the Chinese first...for some tenderizing ass treatment before they march off to hell.

Do you think Nancy and nuisance can withstand 200 Chinese pats on the butt before they are hooked up by the wrists and ankles to four horsemen headed towards the four corners of the world map?

Tears don't seem to have an emotional affect on the Chinese when it comes to delivering what is well deserved.

When did Charles ever shed a tear for those who suffered from his actions and his inactions? Before we ever see what becomes of Humpty Dumpty's men, we just need to step back and wait until his hanky drops and hits the ground.

Charlie plays chess like some kind of prissy sissy. He just removed his own queen from the chess board and expects to win WW3 against the people who invented the game.

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Never place such a title before his name or give him a station that he does is not possess...unless you want to become a magnet and draw unto yourself the curse that he has placed over all who believe in the worship of false idolatry.

The only term that the hellhound deserves is Eugenist.

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I am reading the book of Ahriman that Douglas wrote. In listening to this audio, it reminded me of something I read; that in the West, Ahriman would incarnate & will appear on earth in human form. That he would walk the earth, bringing with him extraordinary increase of power.

My question would be, do you think Ahriman is already walking the earth now? When you mentioned the Apocalypses & the War of All against All it made me wonder about Ahriman's earthly presence.

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I am glad you spoke of morality. You must develop a spiritual practice and seek daily guidance on your thoughts and choices. Pray for the strength to remove the daily habits that undermine you. Make PURITY a goal and hold yourself accountable. Seek others who also make PURITY their goal. Let go of politics, and respect your mana.

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Morality simplified

1 Do and 4 Dont's

Do - Seek Kindness

Dont - Injure harm steal or murder.

The Love we withold is the pain that we carry lifetime after lifetime

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Morality simplified

1 Do and 4 Dont's

Do - Seek Kindness

Dont - Injure harm steal or murder.

The Love we withold is the pain that we carry lifetime after lifetime

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You mentioned that the "War of all against all" could happen soon, but what do you think of Rudolf Steiner describing that war as happening at the end of the 7th cultural epoch (I saw somewhere that put that at the year 7894). I'm interested in your perspective. Thanks.

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