The next book published in the ‘From the Works of Rudolf Steiner’ series is Dweller on the Threshold: Encountering the Lord of Karma. Dr. Gabriel writes:
Every person who crosses over from the physical world into the spiritual world must meet the Guardian of the Threshold between these worlds. People usually grow faint and become unconscious upon crossing this portal of sleep and death, or during deep meditation and transcendence of the physical world. This ‘guardian’ or ‘dweller’ is depicted in many forms, depending on the religious traditions or beliefs of the aspirant attempting to cross the threshold between the physical and spiritual worlds.
The ‘path of the hero’ is the same for everyone who wishes to be initiated into the full secrets and mysteries of the threshold between the physical and spiritual worlds. The aspirant who is seeking this wisdom and mystery knowledge before the moment of death must follow a path of preparation, renunciation, purification, devotion, and dedication to reach the self-knowledge that is gained on the path to the spiritual world without first being pushed back by the Guardian of the Threshold.
The book is available on Amazon - but you don’t have to purchase the book to get started learning these spiritual concepts presented to us in anthroposophy as John Barnwell and Douglas Gabriel discuss the book in the 2 videos below.
The discussion videos below are “raw and uncut”. In the next few months, they will be polished and produced and are available on Douglas Gabriel’s YouTube channel, where you can find similar lectures and discussions on spiritual science.
Deep Secrets of the Dweller on the Threshold
The second video is even more intense that the first. Hang on for another hour of penetrating spiritual knowledge.
Encountering the Lord of Karma
I look forward to listening two the video's above.
Right now I'm reading in physical form (from The Human Heart - organ of perception which is an enlightening and wisdom filled gem. Thanks to you both.
Interested in learning about Rudolf Steiner's thoughts about Jesus.